Bandicoot: Code Reuse for the Relational Model ============================================== :Authors: Ostap Cherkashin :Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am :Session: :Link: :Slides: Ostap has been working on Bandicoot for about four years, mostly part time, but recently their time has been increasing. Bandicoot is open source, and hosted on github. Bandicoot began because Ostap was writing code in many languages including Java and SQL. He was fascinated because when he wrote something in SQL, you could write something once and it would work with no records, one record, thousands, or millions of records. And there's been lots of research on relational systems: fast joins, etc. At the same time there's been a lot of research on concurrency and control. But we're using a 40 year old language (SQL) with poor re-use. Bandicoot is a set based programming system that aims to improve the interface to relational data. Bandicoot is a new language and new runtime for doing this. Introduces a test case he's going to use: two CSV files, one of books, one of discounts. Example: want to apply discount and find all books with a price greater than 100.0$, and then list all the genres. Bandicoot runs over HTTP: you write a program, and the runtime exposes the functions over HTTP. Variables define sets of data, and committed data persists across runs of Bandicoot. Bandicoot understands CSV, so you can post data to a function to store data. Bandicoot supports eight relational algebra operators: four unary, four binary. The ``select`` operator allows you to apply a boolean filter to some set of data. ``join`` is a binary operator that takes two sets and joins them into a single set based on some relationship. The ``project`` operator selects distinct subsets from a set. By allowing you to define "functions" that apply operators to sets, Bandicoot provides a way to re-use code and composite functions. Everything is a relation is Bandicoot, so you can easily pass things around for composition. Working On: Attribute Sets allow you to define your types (schemas) in terms of composition, as well. Modules for grouping functionality together. (try it online)