Engineering Elegance: The Secrets of Square’s Stack

Authors:Bob Lee
Time:4:30 pm - 5:20 pm


As CTO of Square, solely focused on technology, not managing people.

Persistent Queues

Card processing has two phases:

  1. Authorization Sets aside the funds for the merchant.
  2. Capture “Commit”

This actually works pretty well for mobile: you enter the amount and the authorization occurs. After the signature screen, you can capture (commit). Since the mobile network is inherently faulty, capture occurs in the “background” – capture is queued, and it will eventually be handled.

This gives the feeling of responsiveness, but this is obviously critical code, so what happens if it fails? Their answer is persistent queues. SQLite was an open, but felt like a mismatch for building a queue (b-tree vs fifo, etc).

Needed atomicity and durability. Began by investigating what you get from the filesystem. Renaming is atomic, fsync is durable (unless your hardware lies to you), but there were questions about whether or not segment/block writes are atomic. After investigating, it appears that you can rely on them being atomic.

There are a few traditional strategies for implementing this sort of application:

  • write / fsync / rename / fsync (note you need both fsyncs to avoid operation re-ordering where you’d wind up with an empty file)
  • rollback log
  • journal

Solving a specific use case (FIFO queues), so built and open sourced Tape ( to accomplish this.

Server Stack

Original stack written using Ruby, but ran into scalability problems. Ruby requires one process per request, and isn’t great about sharing memory. This limits you to roughly 20-25 request workers per machine, which isn’t great for a high volume transaction processing.

Tried using JRuby to take advantage of better concurrency support, but many of the underlying libraries weren’t built for concurrency. All the core payment processing code now uses Java.

The port to Java began about 1.5 years ago. Bob spent the previous five years at Google, who has their own proprietary JVM stack. In addition, Bob had been on Android for 3 years, so he was out of touch with the latest and greatest. What he found:

  • One Repository for all the Java code
    • Don’t version internal dependencies, everything builds against master
    • This means that if you want to change something low level, you also have to fix everything that uses it
  • One JAR for deploying the application
    • Hot deployment of WAR files often has problems with memory leaks
    • Instead of an application server, they use a single JAR that has a main method that runs an embedded server.
    • Typical way to do this is unpacking and repacking into a single JAR.
    • OneJAR (available on SourceForge) actually allows you to do nested JARs. This speeds up the build and delays when you run into the 64000 file limit per JAR
    • This does mean you can’t do classpath scanning (but you probably shouldn’t be anyway).
    • You can also do self-executing JARs
  • Java Stack
    • Jetty
    • JAX-RS (Jersey) – higher level abstraction over Servlets
    • JPA (Hibernate)
    • Guice
    • Dropwizard – they don’t use it, but probably going to migrate there.

Rethinking Publish / Subscribe

Lots of messages to pass around; i.e., payment processing needs to tell a capture system, a settlement system, risk systems, etc about things that happen. The standard approach would be to use a messaging server for that, with reliability implemented with additional messaging servers. The producer and consumer are probably already HA systems, so this adds another cluster to deploy and maintain.

Instead of messaging, they’re using a message feed based system.

  1. Client asks for all records
  2. Server responds with the records and current version
  3. Later, Client asks for the delta since the last version it saw
  4. Server responds with delta


  • Immutable sequence of events
  • Total ordering
  • Centralized server


  • Stateless
  • Fewer moving parts
  • Bootstrapping for free

Further ideas:

  • Partitioning feeds
  • Caching and replicating feeds
  • PubSubHubBub

Dependency Injection

Guice is a dependency injection container developed at Google in 2006.

Guice uses a DSL written in Java, which means that for a tool to understand your Guice configuration, it needs to execute your module.

If they could go back and do it again, maybe code generation would be a better way to go than a DSL. Java has an annotation processing API (JSR-XXX), which Bob served on the expert group for, which hasn’t gained much adoption.

Guice also has provider methods, which if they had existed in Guice 1, might have obviated the need for the binder API.

Developed Dagger (, which applies the learnings from Guice for better dependency injection. Use of code generation means that many errors are compiler errors instead of run time errors. Resulted in increased startup speed for their Android applications.

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